7 Top Tips for Microsoft Word Users

Computer and Technology - Microsoft Word is an extremely easy tool to start out using. However, there are numerous interesting features “under the bonnet.” Some of those features can help you save a great deal of time when producing documents. I‘m amazed that They‘re Not also referred to as they ought to be. These top seven tips are my favorites, and I cannot imagine life with Microsoft Word before I found them! 

7 Top Tips for Microsoft Word Users

7 Top Tips for Microsoft Word Users

1. Oops. I left Caps lock on! 

All of us understand that feeling. You‘re typing away merrily after which you appear up at the screen to realize which you had hit the Caps Lock button. Now everything you only typed is in the incorrect capitalization. Don’t despair. Highlight the text and go to the Format menu and choose Change Case coming from the drop down menu. Then just select your required case from possibilities provided, which will likely be tOGGLE cASE. 

2. While We‘re talking Cases. 

Some useful shortcut keys : 

Highlight your text and click Control Shift A to line all of it to Upper Case. 

Control Shift K will set it to Small capitals. 

3. Moving quickly around your document. 

Try these shortcuts to obtain around your document quickly. 

Control Alt Page Down: Next Page 
Control Alt Page Up Previous Page 
Control Home: Navigate to the top of your respective document 
Control Alt End: Navigate to the end of your respective document 

Also, with later versions of Word, there‘s a clever little button under the vertical scroll bar known as Select Browse Object. Click this and choose one among its options to browse over your document going straight to another table, graphic, heading, etc. 

4. I’m lost. Where was I? 

Forgot where you only designed a change with your document? Try pressing Shift + F5. 
This‘ll take you to the final place you designed a change. This can be done two more times to reach to the 2 previous changes. 

5. One click find 

Perhaps one of the annoyances from the Find screen When you‘re attempting to find the occurrence of text with your document is the undeniable fact that it always appears to appear right during the text you are attempting to find! However, there isn‘t any need to stay the screen open. After you have used the Find command to locate the very first entry, close the Find screen. You ought to notice the small double arrows below the vertical scroll bar on the ideal of Word have changed to blue. Click these to reach up and down your document finding your text. 

6. Numbering the rows with your tables 

Just how many times perhaps you have created a table where you only want the very first column to become a numbered list. It’s uncomplicated this quickly. Simply select the column and click the Numbering button in your Word toolbar. A similar thing works in case you pick a row and wish to have to number across your columns 

7. Fast Page breaks 

My final tip is simple and has become the one I exploit the foremost. To insert a page break quickly, simply use CTRL + Enter

I think it's enough all about 7 Top Tips for Microsoft Word Users. Thanks so much :)


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