CCNA / CCNP Home Lab Tutorial "The VLAN.DAT File"
Computer and Technology - CCNA and CCNP candidates that have their very own Cisco home labs often email me about an odd situation that occurs once they erase a switch's configuration. Their startup configuration is gone, as they simply expect. However, the VLAN and VTP information remains there!
Sounds strange, does not it? Let us look into an example. On SW1, we show vlan brief and find out during this abbreviated output that there will be three additional VLANs active :
SW1#show vlan be
10 VLAN0010 active
20 VLAN0020 active
30 VLAN0030 active
We wish to erase the router's startup configuration, so we utilize the write erase command, confirm it, and reload without saving the running config :
SW1#write erase
Erasing the nvram filesystem will remove all configuration files! Continue?
Erase of nvram: complete
00: 06: 00: %SYS-7-NV_BLOCK_INIT : Initialized the geometry of nvram
System configuration is modified. Save? yes / no : n
Go ahead with reload? confirm
The router reloads, and once exiting setup mode, we show vlan brief again. And although startup configuration was erased, the VLANs remain there!
Switch#show vlan be
10 VLAN0010 active
20 VLAN0020 active
30 VLAN0030 active
The rationale is this VLAN and VTP information is kept inside the VLAN. DAT file in Flash memory, and also the contents of Flash are kept on the reload. The file has to become deleted manually.
There is just a little trick to deleting this file. The switch will prompt you twice to question in case you wish to eliminate this file. Do not type "y" or "yes"; just accept the defaults by striking the return key. In case you type "y," the router attempts to delete a file named "y," as shown here :
Switch#delete vlan. data
Delete filename plan. Dat? y
Delete flash: y? confirm
%Error deleting flash: y (No such file or directory )
Switch#delete vlan. data
Delete filename plan. Dat?
Delete flash: plan. Dat? confirm
The simplest way to get ready for CCNA and CCNP exam success is as simple as focusing on real Cisco equipment, by performing lab tasks again and again. Repetition is that the mother of skill, by truly erasing your VLAN and VTP information by deleting the VLAN. Dat file from Flash, you will be building your Cisco skills towards the point where your CCNA and CCNP exam success is a certainty.
I think it's enough all about Wireless AMBER Alerts Put Wireless Devices To Use "A Child Is Calling For Help". Thanks so much :)
Sounds strange, does not it? Let us look into an example. On SW1, we show vlan brief and find out during this abbreviated output that there will be three additional VLANs active :
SW1#show vlan be
10 VLAN0010 active
20 VLAN0020 active
30 VLAN0030 active
We wish to erase the router's startup configuration, so we utilize the write erase command, confirm it, and reload without saving the running config :
SW1#write erase
Erasing the nvram filesystem will remove all configuration files! Continue?
Erase of nvram: complete
00: 06: 00: %SYS-7-NV_BLOCK_INIT : Initialized the geometry of nvram
System configuration is modified. Save? yes / no : n
Go ahead with reload? confirm
The router reloads, and once exiting setup mode, we show vlan brief again. And although startup configuration was erased, the VLANs remain there!
Switch#show vlan be
10 VLAN0010 active
20 VLAN0020 active
30 VLAN0030 active
The rationale is this VLAN and VTP information is kept inside the VLAN. DAT file in Flash memory, and also the contents of Flash are kept on the reload. The file has to become deleted manually.
There is just a little trick to deleting this file. The switch will prompt you twice to question in case you wish to eliminate this file. Do not type "y" or "yes"; just accept the defaults by striking the return key. In case you type "y," the router attempts to delete a file named "y," as shown here :
Switch#delete vlan. data
Delete filename plan. Dat? y
Delete flash: y? confirm
%Error deleting flash: y (No such file or directory )
Switch#delete vlan. data
Delete filename plan. Dat?
Delete flash: plan. Dat? confirm
The simplest way to get ready for CCNA and CCNP exam success is as simple as focusing on real Cisco equipment, by performing lab tasks again and again. Repetition is that the mother of skill, by truly erasing your VLAN and VTP information by deleting the VLAN. Dat file from Flash, you will be building your Cisco skills towards the point where your CCNA and CCNP exam success is a certainty.
I think it's enough all about Wireless AMBER Alerts Put Wireless Devices To Use "A Child Is Calling For Help". Thanks so much :)
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