Games "5 ways to ignite your PC's performance without spending a cent"

Computer and Technology - Will be your PC slowing down? Or maybe it is crashing increasingly more, Well if that is the case it just might because your PC is suffering old age! Yes, that is right identical to people PCs suffer coming from the aging process too. 

5 ways to ignite your PC's performance without spending a cent

5 ways to ignite your PC's performance without spending a cent

But there is excellent news 

But unlike people, you can actually turn back the aging process and convey your beloved PC to life. All it will take is a few simple yet comprehensive ideas to ignite your PC's performance to full speed again. 

Just follow these simple yet comprehensive steps : 

System configuration utility 
Even once your computer's sat there doing nothing it may be running a minimum of 50 programs! These are programs that the munching away at the poor old CPU and to not mention owning a right good go at the memory also. The rationale for a reason being as time passes the greater stuff you install, the greater crap that builds up and even though you do not even use that program, there is a damn good chance that it can be running in the background. 

To discover what I am talking about hit CTRL +ALT + DELETE then press the processes tab. It‘ll show you just how many processes which are running in the background. 

1. To solve this little dilemma just go the Start or Run for XP owners, and type MSCONFIG. 

2. The System configuration will appear and from in there navigate to the STARTUP tab. 

3. Once you‘ve got selected the STARTUP tab, you will be presented all of the programs which are running in the background of your respective PC. What I might recommend is turning everything off aside from your anti virus. 

If you undertake see anything that you are doing want on for instance MSN massager go ahead and keep it on however the more you‘ve running inside the background the greater it'll sap your PC's performance and can also affect you are your Boot times also. 

System configuration utility part 2 
Now still hanging around inside the System Configuration Utility, navigate to the second tab called SERVICES and attend and untick the HIDE ALL MICROSOFT SERVICES. We have got to do that (unless you are a little more experienced ) especially if you go and turn one among Microsoft's services you can just mess the whole house PC up, so we don‘t need that we. 

Once you‘ve got unticked the box, you need to be just left with the on Microsoft services. 

Once again I might recommend to show all of them off, however, the anti viruses services. Once you‘ve got decided what as well as what not has got the chop click apply and you are done. 

Performance Options 
Counting on which OS (operating system ) you're using, this could make or break it. In case you're using Windows Vista? I might recommend turning some the visual associated with especially upon the lower end systems. However in case your using XP, the performance will certainly be less impressive, but I think every ounce of performance is vital. Besides, you won't even notice half of those switched off anyway. 

Now around I might adore to inform you how you can get to these options, the ways of getting there will be very different when compared with Vista and XP. So a way around this (and probably a cop out also ) I am going to just tell the vista owners to type in PERFORMANCE straight into the search bar, select PERFORMANCE INFORMATION AND TOOLS and click ADJUST VISUAL EFFECTS and you may find the road there. 

For XP owners continue reading : 

1. Attend Start, Control Panel and choose PERFORMANCE AND MAINTENANCE. 

2. Then ADJUST VISUAL EFFECTS you ought to find yourself there. 

Now I might recommend turning all of them off barring the final one. The final one keeps the modern Windows feel which I like but hey, everyone's different. 

A quick Hardrive is a empty hard drive. Whenever you have an hard drive full towards the brim, delete the programs and games you need not spend your Hardrive and watch those boot times fly! 

Tip: if you are a gamer (like me ) What you could do is use save game file and uninstall the entire game. This manner you will get the wanted gigs of space back although not lose your place on Crysis. Cool eh. 

Now there are many other tips I wanted to talk about along with you, but I wanted to stay this post as short as you can to avoid you been bored to death. However the very last thing I might do to my PC once I finish optimizing It‘s to defrag it. 

Now, your probably thinking that yes I already understand that James. But what I might recommend doing is employing a different defragger particularly if you're by using the dreaded Vista defragger. 

Now as you‘ve got probably gathered, I can't stand Vista's defragger, I believe it is a step backward, not a step forward. But what annoys me about It‘s you have no idea how long It‘ll take and just how defragmented your hardrive is. 

But Don‘t Be Concerned, because I am visiting show one to download a far better one which Vista's shoddy attempt. Auslogics Disk defragger is its name, and I believe you will see it quick and simple to use, and it also seems to carry out quite a very good job also. 

And one more thing. It is completely liberated to download also. Just Google "Auslogics Disk defragger" and you ought to see it very quickly.

I think it's enough all about Games "5 ways to ignite your PC's performance without spending a cent". Thanks so much :)


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