CCNP Certification / BSCI Exam Tutorial: The BGP Neighbor Process
Computer and Technology - Like TCP, BGP is connection-oriented. An underlying connection between two BGP speakers is established before any routing details are exchanged. This connection happens on TCP port 179. Just like EIGRP and OSPF, keepalive messages are sent out from the BGP speakers to keep this relationship alive. CCNP Certification / BSCI Exam Tutorial: The BGP Neighbor Process When the connection is established, the BGP speakers exchange routes and synchronize their tables. After this initial exchange, a BGP speaker will only send further updates upon a change inside the network topology. The IGP protocols which use Autonomous Systems, IGRP, and EIGRP, require prospective neighbors to become inside the same AS. This Isn‘t true with BGP. Routers could be in several Autonomous Systems but still exchange routes. The BGP neighbors don‘t have to be directly connected, and sometimes aren‘t, but do need to reach the IP addresses they use with t...